Friday 4 July 2014

Pidgins home.

Pidgin is home from a 10 day holiday away. I was waiting to hear from her and was filled with joy and relief when I did. 10 days and it felt like half a lifetime, how will I be without her for 8 months come October? I collect and drop friends like favourite foods getting bored of one thing eventually and losing my taste for it. Pidgins different, my one true long standing friend who is like cake. Although I may love chicken wraps one week and prefer steak and kidney pie the next, I will always always love cake. Pidgins like cake even if it's a bit off or crumbling around the edges it's still my favourite thing to eat. Not that pidgin a gone off, or crumbly but you get the point. 8 months. I feel a little like I'm waiting for the heart break of the end of a relationship. I promise myself I will not let that happen! I will not give her up. She will go, she will return and I will still be here and I won't forget. I don't want to be forgotten again. I've felt a little low today thinking this all over. 8 months. It will be like having no tea bags for 8 months, who can live without teabags! The longest I've ever gone is a few days! 

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